Member Spotlight - Warwickshire Christmas Trees

Warwickshire Christmas Trees has had a record-breaking year already this year and they have introduced some new measures in their determination to “shine even brighter” after this bleak year.

The small family business is based in the Cotswolds and is run by Mike and his son Ollie Simpkins and Carey Bamford.

For the first time, they are running a School Donation scheme where they donate 10% back to the school when parents buy a real Christmas Tree.

They will also be donated £1 from the sales of hand-painted tree decorations to Home Start South Warwickshire, a local charity who assist families with young children through difficulties.

After planting their first 5,000 trees in 2014, this will also be the first time Warwickshire Christmas Trees is supplying the majority of trees from their own field.

Ollie said: “Pot grown trees are in this year. Demand is high for these this type, so we listened and have got plenty of stock ready for the masses''

“However, we are aware of everything going on at the moment, so we have expanded the site to accommodate more trees and parking. All of this means more space for customers to socially distance and stay safe. We have also provided a sanitiser station, and a free mask to those who need it when entering the steel building to pay''

“We have also decided to light up the doom and gloom, so this year, we will be brighter than ever!”

Photo credit Darren Powell from Everybody Smile photography


The BCTGA represents Christmas tree growers in the UK, to find details on your nearerest grower please see Find a Tree.