North Devon Christmas Trees

Address :

Broady House, Broady Strap, Barnstaple


EX31 2NP


Telephone Number :


Email :

Opening Time :

open from 24th November

Other Information :

We are a family run business and have been supplying trees to households throughout North Devon ever since 2006! We care and tender to our trees throughout the year so they are in peak condition ready for Christmas. We stagger the planting so we have a range of sizes available to be cut fresh throughout December ensuring your Christmas tree looks at its best throughout the festive period.

  • Pot Grown
  • Christmas Trees
  • Wreaths
Tree Types:
  • Fraser Fir
  • Noble Fir
  • Nordmann Fir
  • Norway Spruce
Wholesale Areas Supplied:
  • South West
  • Collection Only